58 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model's Choice Reasoning and Its Implementation for the Evaluation of the Strength of Technological Vessels

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    In connection with the global increase in the intensity of use of working equipment related to high-risk facilities and the expiry of the service life limit, the question arises of determining the actual technical condition and forecasting the residual resource. From the analysis of the approaches to determining the technical state and on the analysis of regulatory documents, it becomes clear that the regulated methods of assessing the technical state are obsolete, such that they do not ensure the reliability of the obtained control results.A new technique for determining the actual technical state through monitoring the level of stresses in the body of high-risk objects is proposed. The new technique takes into account additional physical and mechanical parameters that affect the stress-strain state, and have not yet been used. In other words, the technique of multivariable control of stress determination was proposed.Mathematical models of the process of deformation and stress for cylindrical vessels with a spherical and conic dome operating under the action of high pressure are proposed


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    In connection with the global increase in the intensity of use of working equipment related to high-risk facilities and the expiry of the service life limit, the question arises of determining the actual technical condition and forecasting the residual resource. From the analysis of the approaches to determining the technical state and on the analysis of regulatory documents, it becomes clear that the regulated methods of assessing the technical state are obsolete, such that they do not ensure the reliability of the obtained control results. A new technique for determining the actual technical state through monitoring the level of stresses in the body of high-risk objects is proposed. The new technique takes into account additional physical and mechanical parameters that affect the stress-strain state, and have not yet been used. In other words, the technique of multivariable control of stress determination was proposed. Mathematical models of the process of deformation and stress for cylindrical vessels with a spherical and conic dome operating under the action of high pressure are proposed

    The principles of criminal law in the aspect of protection of constitutional rights of citizens

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    Description. The purpose of the article is to identify the subject of crimes related to the violation of confidentiality of telephone conversations transmitted by means of communication or through a computer, to qualify the criminal activity properly and to distinguish them from other crimes and misdemeanors. The purpose of the article also covers the issues of the principles of criminal law, which can solve the problems of formulating certain rules of the law on criminal liability, designed to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of an individual. Methodology. In the course of the study general and special methods of the legal science were used: comparative and legal method; formal and dogmatic method; dialectical method; statistical method. The results of the study made it possible to identify the areas for improving the principles of criminal law for breach of confidentiality of correspondence, telephone, telegraph or other kinds of correspondence transmitted by means of communication or through the computer, and the areas of international cooperation in this area. Practical implications. According to the results of the research, some proposals were made for a more precise formulation of the characteristics of the object as well as the elements of the objective element of the crime under consideration. Value / originality. Based on the authors’ approach to identifying the subject matter of a crime, which involves liability for violation of confidentiality of correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph or other correspondence transmitted by means of communication or through a computer, it was determined what features of the subject matter of the crime in question should be recorded in laws and what principles of criminal law can solve the task set by the study

    Interaction of the National Police with other actors in the area of criminal justice in combating criminal offences in the area of land relations

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    The aim of the article is the comprehensive analysis of the interaction of the National Police with other actors in the detection and investigation of criminal offenses in the area of land relations. Methodology. The specifics of the purpose and objectives of the study necessitated the use of the following methods: dialectical, comparative and legal, dogmatic, system and structural, modeling, sociological, statistical methods, etc. Results of the research. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the interaction of the National Police with other actors in combating criminal offenses in the area of land relations. The main tendencies of land security in Ukraine are considered and the directions of the interaction of the National Police bodies with control and audit agencies are singled out. Practical meaning. Scientific and theoretical conclusions and practical proposals aimed at improving the legal regulation of such interaction are substantiated. Value / originality. The authors’ definition of the concept of interaction of the National Police with other actors in the investigation of criminal offenses in the area of land relations is provided


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    The article is devoted to separate issues of the use of criminal law in the regulation and protection of economic relations, as well as the question of the effectiveness of using such a method to ensure the country’s economic security. The comparison of methods and methods used in Ukraine, the USA, Germany, Spain, Belarus, which consisted both in the criminalization of certain acts and in the introduction of incentive and incentive rules for taxpayers. The subject of the study is the issue of criminalization and decriminalization of certain social relations in the field of economic security. First of all, it concerns the sphere of payment to the budget of taxes and other mandatory payments. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors that negatively affect the development of the modern economy. Also, the study revealed and analysed the differences in the formulation of laws that provide for liability for tax evasion in order to find out the effectiveness of the latter. Methodology. During the research, a complex of general scientific methods was used: the system – in the process of a comprehensive study of the system of criminal legal influence on the participants of the considered social relations; formally-dogmatic – when analysing the legal composition of crimes involving criminal liability for tax evasion; comparative-legal – within the framework of comparison of provisions of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine and legislation on criminal liability of foreign countries; statistical – for the analysis and generalization of empirical information. Conclusions. Indicates the need for concentration of efforts aimed at carrying out preventive activities in the field of public relations, which, in turn, will contribute to the timely detection and termination of illegal activities, which is a serious threat to the economic security of each civilized country. The general concept for a set of measures that effectively and timely counteract certain socially negative (dangerous) tendencies that should take place today in the sphere of economic relations both in Ukraine and abroad is developed and proposed. The authors expressed their own proposals regarding the improvement of the law on criminal liability for the issue raised

    Some aspects of using modern innovative nanotechnologies in dentistry technical solutions, dilemma of implantation

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    In the article, the authors analyze the problem of using modern innovative nanotechnologies in dentistry. Currently, nanotechnology is used in treatment, prosthetics, preventive care of the oral cavity and teeth. Based on this, the use of nanotechnology in dentistry has a number of advantages compared to the traditional materials used, as they are more effective, affordable, structured, meet all modern parameters, and have high quality. Despite the widespread use of nanotechnology, in some cases, they may carry certain risks. Nanomaterials have higher activity, high permeability through the skin, lungs, and digestive tract. But the impact of nanoparticles on the body remains unexplored. In addition to safety problems of nanomaterials, their production is associated with a number of other problems: engineering, biological, and social. Specialists think about new ways to solve current professional problems. Time will tell how successful the process of integrating narrow-profile research into practical activity will be. The development of new and implementation of existing nanotechnology medical technologies is a promising direction of the development of modern dentistry

    Розробка методу розкладання суперпозицій невідомих імпульсних сигналів адаптивним спектральним аналізом

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    We considered the issue of "intuitive" analysis, processing, and synthesis of unknown pulse sequences in a detailed form. We studied both classical methods of analysis with all pluses and minuses and the developed prospective method created on their basis. The developed method is adaptive, it is based on the consistent use of various methods of spectral analysis, which increases reliability, sensitivity, and resolution capability of visual analysis of echo-pulse images. Thus, we solved the problem on processing pulse signals. The proposed method makes it possible to increase resolution capability in the processing of signals and images without using a priori information on the form of elementary pulses. It is resistant to the influence of measuring noise. We presented the results of numerical simulation and actual verification on the example of a seismic image. The considered method has a significant development potential, both in theoretical and application aspects (first of all, in areas of ultrasonic medical diagnosis, seismic imaging, and non-destructive testing).Решена задача обработки импульсных сигналов. Предложен адаптивный метод разложения суперпозиций неизвестных импульсных сигналов. Разработанный метод не требует априорной информации о форме элементарных импульсов, устойчив к влиянию измерительных шумов. Представлены результаты численного моделирования и реальной проверки на примере сейсмического изображения. Результаты экспериментов показали, что предложенный метод позволяет идентифицировать местоположение элементарных импульсовРозв'язана задача обробки імпульсних сигналів. Запропоновано адаптивний метод розкладання суперпозицій невідомих імпульсних сигналів. Розроблений метод не вимагає апріорної інформації про форму елементарних імпульсів, стійкий до впливу вимірювальних шумів. Представлені результати чисельного моделювання та реальної перевірки на прикладі сейсмічного зображення. Результати експериментів показали, що запропонований метод дозволяє ідентифікувати місцезнаходження елементарних імпульсі

    Застосування стратегій ройового інтелекту при проектуванні паралельних нейроеволюційних методів синтезу нейромоделей

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    The paper proposes the ways to apply swarm intelligence strategies to parallelize neuroevolution methods for synthesizing artificial neural networks. The proposed approaches will solve a number of problems that usually arise during designing high-performance computing related to the synthesis of neural networks. The object of research is the process of developing a parallel approach for the neuroevolution synthesis of artificial neural networks, namely, the use of swarm intelligence strategies to solve a number of problems in designing a method that would use the resources of a parallel computer system.One of the most problematic areas is the highly adaptive nature and significant operating time of neuroevolution methods. One way to solve these problems is to use parallel computer systems and distributed computing. However, a number of questions arise when designing a parallel neuroevolution method.During research a number of tasks were solved, which included the analysis and study of neuroevolution methods for synthesizing artificial neural networks and problems of their parallelization. Attention is also paid to swarm intelligence methods, which have gained popularity recently and show good results.The new method developed during the work was based on strategies for organizing work with swarm particles. Thus, sub-populations distributed between threads and individuals were analyzed as individual particles that interact with each other and depend on the local environment. Classical genetic operators were modified by criterion mechanisms to improve adaptability.During the experiments, the developed method was compared with classical methods. During the work, special attention was paid not only to the characteristics of the resulting neuromodels, but also to the load on the processor during Operation. The developed method showed acceptable results for all comparisons. The new approach has significantly improved the quality level of the parallel neuroevolution synthesis method, allowing to evenly use the capabilities of computing nodes in a parallel systemВ работе предложены способы применения стратегий роевого интеллекта для параллелизации нейроэволюционных методов синтеза искусственных нейронных сетей. Предложенные подходы позволят решить ряд проблем, которые обычно возникают при проектировании высокопроизводительных вычислений, связанных с синтезом нейронных сетей. Объектом исследования является процесс разработки параллельного подхода для нейроэволюционного синтеза искусственных нейронных сетей, а именно использование стратегий роевого интеллекта для решения ряда проблем при проектировании такого метода, который использовал бы ресурсы параллельной компьютерной системы.Одними из наиболее проблемных мест является высокоитеративная природа и значительное время работы нейроэволюционных методов. Одним из способов решения этих проблем является использование параллельных компьютерных систем и распределенных расчетов. Однако ряд вопросов возникает при проектировании параллельного нейроэволюционного метода.В ходе исследования был решен ряд задач, которые включали анализ и исследование нейроэволюционных методов синтеза искусственных нейронных сетей и проблем их параллелизации. Также внимание уделено методам роевого интеллекта, которые приобрели популярность в последнее время и демонстрируют хорошие результаты работы. Новый метод, разрабатывавшийся во время работы, базировался на стратегиях организации работы с роевыми частицами. Так, распределеные между ядрами под-популяции и отдельные индивиды анализировались в качестве отдельных частиц, которые взаимодействуют друг с другом и зависят от локальной среды. Классические генетические операторы были модифицированы критериальными механизмами для повышения адаптивности.Во время экспериментов разрабатываемый метод сравнивался с классическими методами. Во время работы особое внимание было уделено не только характеристикам полученных результирующих нейромоделей, но и нагрузке на процессор во время работы. Разрабатываемый метод продемонстрировал приемлемые результаты по всем сравнениям. Новый подход помог значительно повысить уровень качества работы параллельного нейроэволюционного метода синтеза, позволяя равномерно использовать возможности вычислительных узлов параллельной системы.У роботі запропоновано способи застосування стратегій ройового інтелекту для паралелізації нейроеволюційних методів синтезу штучних нейронних мереж. Запропоновані підходи дозволять вирішити ряд проблем, які зазвичай виникають при проектуванні високопродуктивних обчислень, пов'язаних з синтезом нейронних мереж. Об'єктом дослідження є процес розроблення паралельного підходу для нейроеволюційного синтезу штучних нейронних мереж, а саме використання стратегій ройового інтелекту для вирішення низки проблем при проектуванні такого методу, що використовував би ресурси паралельної комп’ютерної системи.Одними з найбільш проблемних місць є високоітеративна природа та значний час роботи нейроеволюційних методів. Одним із способів вирішення цих проблем є використання паралельних комп’ютерних систем та розподілених обрахунків. Проте ряд питань виникає при проектуванні паралельного нейроеволюційного методу.В ході дослідження було вирішено ряд завдань, які включали аналіз та дослідження нейроеволюційних методів синтезу штучних нейронних мереж та проблем їх паралелізації. Також увагу приділено методам ройового інтелекту, що набули популярності останнім часом та демонструють гарні результати роботи.Новий метод, що розроблявся під час роботи, базувався на стратегіях організації роботи із ройовими частинками. Так, розподілені між ядрами під-популяції та окремі індивіди аналізувалися в якості окремих частинок, які взаємодіють між один одним та залежать від локального середовища. Класичні генетичні оператори були модифіковані критеріальними механізмами для підвищення адаптивності.Під час експериментів розроблюваний метод порівнювався із класичними методами. Під час роботи особливу увагу було приділено не тільки характеристикам отриманих результуючих нейромоделей, але й навантаженню на процесор під час роботи. Розроблюваний метод продемонстрував прийнятні результати за всіма порівняннями. Новий підхід допоміг значно підвищити рівень якості роботи паралельного нейроеволюційного методу синтезу, дозволяючи рівномірно використовувати можливості обчислювальних вузлів паралельної системи